Sunday, August 13, 2006

How do you say thank you?

I know the reason my daughter wanted me to start a blog was to fill it with funny stories - so today I think I will poke fun at one of my favorite targets, my sweet, wonderful husband! It amazes me how good and capable he is in so many areas. However, the Spanish language is not one of those areas. He seems to have spent too much time around my father, who loves butchering language in general, and has a special fondness for "gracias", which comes out "graw-shus".
While in Ecuador, my huband often paid tribute to my father when he attempted to say thank you. Being the encouraging wife that I am, I laughed everytime I heard him tell someone, "Graw-shus". I'd even ask him how to say "thank you" just so I could hear him mangle it again. Occasionally it would come out "grawSEEus" but rarely did it come out right. He thought he knew how to say, "Let's go" before we left, but "Vamoose" sent my son and I into more giggles. One night he asked the father of his host family if he was growing a "mustachio"--Milton had a puzzled look on his face for a second, then it cleared as he hopped up from table, walked over to the counter, and returned with a napkin for my sweetie. God was gracious to him though and allowed him to make many precious friendships in spite of the language barrier; additionally, he may have discovered a new way to request a napkin should he need one!


At 6:52 PM, Blogger Call Me June... said...

I believe you are trying to show me up a bit here... four posts in just four days! You can't possibly keep up with this insane pace! Besides, cut me a bit of slack, the best of us can suffer the occasional summer of writer's block! What can I say, when you've got it, you've got it. When you don't it's better to stay mute!

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Jenn, so good to see you on here. :) The Spanish butchering reminds me of my dad saying "Hello" in Spanish. He pronounces it: "H-O-L-A" (With the hard H! I'm looking forward to reading your blogs in the coming weeks and months!


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