Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Deep Thinking

Hey, I'm on a different computer today and I was able to put in a photo of my girls and I with our sweet dog, Beamer. Considering I did not want this little fellow, it's amazing how much I enjoy him. In fact, when the rigors of raising teens become a bit overwhelming, my opinion of the dog rises exponentially.

Maybe tomorrow I'll post some more stories from Ecuador. Today I'll take an introspective look at the deep components of my mind. If you've had opportunity to glance at my profile, you are probably wondering what deep components I could be refering to. I have to admit, as I was filling out my profile, I was wishing it looked a little better and reflected a deeper thinker. The truth is, apart from the Bible, most of my favorite books and movies don't stretch my mind incredibly. One of my key criteria for a good book/movie (I translate good "enjoyable") is a happy ending. That eliminates an awful lot of what greater minds consider good.

My husband walked in on the girls & I as we were watching the new Pride & Predjudice the other night. He watched Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy verbally sparring and asked, "So do they fall in love eventually?" "Of course they do," I answered. A minute later, after observing Jane and Mr. Bingley's misery, he asked, "So do they end up happy together?" "Of course they do," I answered again, and then added, "do you think I'd be watching this if they didn't?" Yep, I'm pretty deep!

It's not that I haven't read what are considered greater works --I waded my way through War & Peace, by choice mind you, in college. But oh my, it just got a little too depressing. For the last several years, I have always had something I NEEDED to be reading in order to school my children. So when it comes to CHOOSING something to read, I want it to be happy, wholesome, and something I can finish with a smile on my face.

The fact that I love the Bible and love to read it is proof that God's unmerited favor is at work in my life. He takes His ADD aflicted child and opens her mind to the wonderful things in His law. Although I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around many of His truths, He shows me His greatness, His faithfulness, and allows me to trust what I cannot completely understand. It is a work of Him for which I am profoundly grateful.


At 5:14 AM, Blogger Call Me June... said...

Ahhh, my old pal Beamer! I just don't have enough pictures of that little guy! I too suffer from the limits of "happy-ending only" taste! Jeff is still trying to coax me to read "Where the Red Fern Grows" which I won't because, of course, it is sad!

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Julie Danielle said...

Hi Jenn! So glad you have your own blog too :)

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Peter Brown said...

I love happy endings, but I'm sooo against the new Pride & Predjudice. If it's not the A&E version its not worth watching.

Is that Pride or just plain Predjudice?

At 12:08 PM, Blogger jenylu said...

I too prefer the A & E version - it's the one I own - it's just that we don't often have 5 hours to invest in the watching of it. We had fun borrowing the new one, even though I ripped on how silly it was that Darcy would be proposing in his night clothes!
That's not pride or prejudice, it's just good taste. :)


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