Friday, August 25, 2006

The Silver Lining

Tonight I paid too much for dinner. On top of that, it wasn't even very tasty. We ate at the California Pizza Kitchen. There were only ten million things on the menu and it was hard to make a choice because they all looked so good. I finally decided on something that sounded really yummy. Unfortunately, the waiter returned a couple of minutes later to tell me they were out of that pizza. Pressure's on -- make a new order quick. So I did. It was a mistake. I pretended like it tasted good for a while, and even asked for a box to take home the pieces I didn't eat. But as we were leaving, I got more & more honest with myself. It wasn't even very tasty.

I was complaining (terrible I know) about it to one of the young men in our car (we drove down to Oakland for a high school soccer game and had five nice, sweaty fellows riding back with us). As I mentioned, for probably the third time, that my dinner wasn't even very tasty, my husband made an excellent observation, "Oh well, you can have fun blogging about it!" YES I CAN! YES I WILL! YES I AM!

I can totally relate to Kludge's observation the other day. Even as he was late to work and stuck behind a tour bus that couldn't get out of the way, he was already thinking about the blog he could write. It is possible we're becoming a little obsessive about this bloggin', but I prefer to think that maybe it is just a new way of seeing the silver lining behind every rain cloud! :)

BTW, I learned something tonight that should not have been revolutionary. Going to a California Pizza Kitchen with a bunch of soccer players that thought they would be stopping at In & Out on the way home is a really good way to get stuck with a big bill!

(Oh, the pictured pizza above is not the one I ordered. The one above looks like it tastes much better. Did I mention that my pizza wasn't even very tasty?)


At 11:02 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

So what did you originally order and what did you end up with? California Pizza Kitchen is one of my favorite places, but I rarely venture out - I always order the same things.

So was the silver lining getting to pay?????

And oh - did they win???????

At 8:46 AM, Blogger jenylu said...

Whoops --guess I left a few things unanswered.
1. I originally ordered a pear & gorgonzolla pizza - very adventurous. I ended up with a BLT pizza - very boring and not so tasty.
2. The silver lining was having an idea for my next post
3. They lost -- big time!

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Bummer on the losing - I have not tried the BLT pizza - thanks for the heads up and yes - it is always a great thing to have an idea for a post! Love reading your blog!

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Peter Brown said...

Nothing like overspending for the mediocore. But as you say, "look at this great post!"

thanks for sharing...

BTW if your into chicken, lemongrass and peanuts on pizza, they make a great Thai pizza!


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