Uninspired Blogger
Although the creative and motivational juices are not flowing strongly, I do have a funny incident that is possibly worthy of a post. This month the girls have the privilege of watching cousin Bekah for six days spread over the course of three weeks. The above picture is of Michelle giving Bekah her breakfast this past Monday. Do you detect just a tad bit of apprehension and fear on her face? That is because a couple of minutes prior to this picture, Michelle had just raised a spoonful to Bekah's mouth when Bekah suddenly sneezed. My did Michelle shriek as she discovered herself splattered with green Gerber mixed veggies. Bekah looked at her with a puzzled sort of, "What's her problem?" look. Although I thought the whole thing was hysterical, I proved helpful as we cleaned up the mess (looks like we missed Bekah's leg) and found an apron for Michelle to protect herself during the rest of the feeding.
It was pretty funny and Bekah is just the cutest little baby ever...but I'm still pretty uninspired about blogging.
Anyhoo, maybe after spending next week at Family camp among fellow bloggers, I'll get my inspiration back and at least go online and leave a comment or two.