Friday, August 29, 2008

The Honeymoon

Well I guess it is finally time to post again. Thank you so much for praying for my sweet niece, Sarah. She is one of my heros and I am so thankful that God has tenderly cared for her and her family these past weeks through His people. Praise the Lord she will be 29 weeks along Sunday. One of the best consequences of Sarah needing help, is having the need to be there more often. I am enjoying my Fridays with Sarah & Bekah & Bailey.
Two weeks ago I took these pictures of Bekah. They are from my cell phone so they're basically pretty lame, but what a cute little subject! At first she did not want to cooperate, but then she decided she liked posing and immediately checking out the results. Each time she took the phone in her hand and giggled at her picture on the screen was just precious. I ended up taking about twenty shots because I was enjoying her giggle so much.
Though I had planned to be there yesterday, Chris ended up home early, so I stayed home to take care of some of the more pressing needs of my children. Between the pressing needs, I filled much of my unexpected spare time playing with facebook. I signed up for my own account about Midnight Thursday, so on Friday, I was set to go.
I have to admit I am having fun. I remind myself of someone who just gets email for the first time and thinks it is the best thing since sliced bread, drools over every mass-mailing coming in and forwards it to 100 of her closest friends. Thank goodness that phase of email does not last long --unless you are retired. (I've found that retired folks still think their friends and family like to receive every forward that comes through their inbox.)
Yes, I am in the honeymoon phase. Thanks to Michelle, I learned all about flairs yesterday--though my own collection is pretty lame in her eyes--I designed a stick figure family complete with the pets and even a few dead fish to honor those we used to have--I adopted a pokey*--I sent and received flowers--and I'm up to 41 friends!
I was pretty fired up about My Space a couple of years ago, but I quickly lost interest and only signed in often enough to change my age to 29 whenI had a birthday. And then, I even got too bored to do that -- I am now 30. When I first got my blog, I was posting almost every day. I usually do not post quite that often anymore (cough, choke). And, though I check my email often, it is against my religion (almost) to send on a forward and quite honestly, I have certain relatives relegated to my "junk mail" because that is all they send! So, knowing my electronic communication history, I am not expecting my current enthusiasm for fb to be a sustainable phenomenon.
However, I am finding it really cool to reconnect with friends I have not caught up with in years. I also was added to the loop for a possible multi-class RVCS reunion in the next couple of years. So right now, I am enjoying the honeymoon and I think facebook is pretty darn cool.
*My pokey's name is Bailey and she's a lovable chocolate lab who is really bad at catching the frisbee. Feel free to stop by and play with her anytime.


At 4:19 PM, Blogger Sarah Kuhner said...

Chris told me I have to read your blog today. He loved the line about Bailey. I wonder where you came up with that. :o)

The pictures you posted are so cute. Yeah, I know she is my little girl and of course I'm going to think that, but they are. We just love having you come help us out and play with Bekah. I'm so excited that I'm just about 29 weeks. Just 5 more weeks of pretty strict bed rest and then some freedom.

I'm glad you finally got on facebook. It really is a fun way to connect with long lost friends. Enjoy it while you're into it.

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Jenn, I had to laugh at your post. I know exactly what you mean about forwards...
I do hope I'm not regulated to the junk mail category. ;) If I'm going to forward something (which is VERY rare) I always clean it up and get rid of all the forwarding junk. This should be a rule for everyone that forwards anything.
I'm so glad you're able to help take such good care of my sister and her family. Thank you!
I admire your honesty about how often you post on your blog (cough, choke). *grin* I so enjoy reading when you DO post.

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Peter Brown said...

A Facebook post!

I have to confess I passed this post over before. In general I don't post on baby/toddler post. I just never know what to say...

but the "flair" caught my eye. Facebook, like Myspace, and twitter has caught on. I wonder what will be next...I'm always ready to try the next fad.


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