Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Making a List

Air quality at our home is not too good right now. A fire in the next county has produced an abundance of smoke. Apparently fires are burning in many parts of California currently, and with record low rain falls for the past two years, it is logical to think this is just the beginning.

It is not likely that the fire raging in Napa will ever threaten our house, but as our court is just across the street from beautiful golden (very dry) hills, it is not out of the realm of possibility to think we could at some point be told to evacuate our home. The kids and I were discussing this scenario today. Our trailer is parked in the driveway and we were envisioning which things we would grab if given a short time allotment to leave our home. Knowing how much better I function with a little bit of planning, not to mention my love for and fond appreciation of lists, I thought it might not be a bad idea to have a list of things we would grab in just such a situation.

After thinking about it for five or so minutes, here's the list I came up with:

1. My Bible (I will admit, this was not the first thing I thought about it, but once it came to mind I decided it belonged at the top. Not only would I want to have my Bible along, the act of grabbing it might help remind me Who's in control!)
2. Our pets
3. The laptop
4. Our scrapbooks/photo albums and the handmade books each of the kids wrote
5. Our small safe with our passports and birth certificates
6. My two cases of photo CD's and family slide show DVDs
7. Our insurance file & the kids important record files
8. Our phones, chargers and the camera
9. The china plate handed down by Scott's grandma
10. Catan

I am guessing that if Catan made it into the top ten, I have probably forgotten some really important things! I need to give this a bit more thought!

So what would you put on your list? It is an interesting question, especially given the fact that the news is filled right now with people who have lost their homes to one natural disaster or another.

Johnny thought he might grab the hot tub and ping-pong table. That's not something everyone might think about -- it's good to plan ahead! Ah, the value of making a list!


At 8:21 PM, Blogger Sarah Kuhner said...

Chris read this post to me. I laughed so hard when you were talking about having Catan on there and that you must be missing other more important things. Honestly, Catan might be a bit higher on my list. That is probably a good thing to think about. It's a good car topic.

At 5:38 AM, Blogger Becca Sports said...

That would be a good thing to think about and discuss. I wonder what I would come up with? Hmm...as far as your comment and wishing that I could pause time. The answer is yes. Especially with Sophia because she is our last and she is at my favorite stage (the 6-12 month stage, especially 9 months). She is just too cute and I don't want her to grow up and learn how to talk back (as Abigail is starting to "try). I can't wait for 10 years from now, oh boy! :)

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Peter Brown said...

It's funny what makes the list. I know I would have to grab the computer with all our pictures and home movies on it, our picture books, a bottle of hair gel, and the buffalo wing sauce...just in case.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Yikes - we have been hearing about the fires -

I loved reading your list - - - makes me stop and think about what I would want to take with me - - - I know my mom would want me to grab the egg basket that was great grandmas - - - - interesting to think about.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Ando said...

My list of things to grab in case of fire.

1. my baseball cards
2. the sofa
3. jar of mayonaise
4. the plunger
5. my mousepad
6. kitchen sink sponge
7. our placemats
8. Calvin and Hobbes book
9. my flip flops
10. ice cream scooper

You've gotta take the essentials, right?

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

I think Ando might find himself in trouble if the fires were encroaching upon his home! Lilly didn't even make the top 10!

I found it amusing that Catan made your list. Now that I think about it, it would probably make mine as well.

Let's see:
1. Taeya
2. My computer
3. A tub of diapers, wipes and clothes for Taeya.
4. Puma
5. My phone and charger
6. A suitcase of basic clothes & travel bag
7. My photo albums (can't believe I almost forgot this!
8. Important papers
9. A litterbox & travelbag for Puma
10. Some food and water

haha...I forgot to put Catan. Maybe it wouldn't make it! I'm sure Phil would bring his x-box and I can play catan on there. :)

At 12:56 PM, Blogger Ando said...

Its a fire! Every man, woman, and baby for themselves!

At 9:17 PM, Blogger jenylu said...

I have to admit -- the men's lists are rather interesting. :) (Don't fret Lily, I firmly believe your daddy would remember you!)

I was thinking about it today and thinking Scott would probably grab the remote control. The TV might be toast, but the coveted symbol of power would be comforting.


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