This Says It All
I wish this were my license plate. It explain so much. It sets expectations where they should be. I showed Scott my picture and he came up with one for us: L8AGAIN. I wonder if it is already taken...
BTW, at the risk of sounding like I am slightly proud of myself, I really am slightly proud of myself. I took this picture on my cell phone and thought, "I wish I could use this on my blog." Then I figured out, all by myself, how to send it to my email. And it worked!!
My husband was impressed, not because it was an amazing thing to do, but because I figured it out by myself.
Maybe some day I could sport a licence plate that says "ONTIME" and have it accurately reflect my life, but I am not holding my breath. For now, WRLATE says it all.
Cute post. Hope you're doing well.
Thanks for all your fun comments. We WANT to come visit Aunt Jenn (and everyone else) we just can't afford the plane fare at this time. :( Hopefully later this summer we'll make it that way.
I just have one thing to say: "Tie Um Foreign Nope Host"
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