Friday, January 11, 2008

Still Bitter

Back on January 1, I confessed I was a little bitter about getting stuck with the mad gab, DEED ROY DIE GUESS. In my opinion, it was unsolvable. Well, I'm still a little bitter. This time it's because my husband figured it out and left the answer in my comments.
It was all very fun and I was getting a kick out of him seriously trying to figure it out. Its always especially delightful when you know something your husband does not.
He kept guessing and I'd say, "Leave your answer in the comments." He even tried googling DEED ROY DIE GUESS -- guess what, he found my blog! (Good to know if I ever lose the link!)
I was getting a little smug and then after about an hour of trying to figure it out, he stumbled upon the answer just by saying it over and over to himself. Now my demand to leave it in the comments completely backfired!
Would anyone else have gotten it correct if he had not have finally figured it out? Oh well, I guess it's time to move on and let it go. Sigh.
BTW, if you haven't already guess, DEED ROY DIE GUESS is Detroit Tigers. Ridiculous!


At 8:42 PM, Blogger Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Phil did figure it how before Uncle Scott's post was up. However, since he's blog illiterate he didn't post it as a comment. (I did later). So, yes, someone else figured it out. :)

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Becca Sports said...

I think that it is funny that he tried googling the answer. After posting a couple of my guesses, I tried doing the same thing and it brought me right back! I would never have guessed it.

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Sarah Kuhner said...

I totally don't think that it sounded like Detroit Tigers. Even Chris couldn't figure this one out and he is really good at it. Thanks for giving us the answers.

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Taeya's such a great traveler, I think she would LOVE to go to Santa Rosa! We would in a heartbeat if tickets were free. :) Hopefully, sometime within the next year we can make it out.


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