Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Fought Her Stay

Mad gabs in the title are back -- at least for today.
At the risk of sounding a little boastful, I have a really good idea to share in this post. You might have noticed my absence of parenting advice -- not only am I at an insecure phase of parenting (three teens!!!) but it seems like those of you raising little ones are doing a great job without my two cents!! But today I have an idea I can share. And I can share it with great enthusiasm because it is actually one that I have faithfully done for the last fourteen years with great success. Sticking to my guns and actually being consistent is not my strong suit, so this is rather remarkable not to mention really rare!!
Here it is...drum roll please...a perpetual Father's Day card. I got the idea out of Family Fun Magazine and being the scrap booking enthusiast I am, I modified the idea a bit to be a perpetual Father's Day card/scrapbook. Catie and Jonathan were very young in 1994, the first year I did this, and Michelle was still three months away from being born. After including Father's Day well wishes, I decided the best way to get some good thoughts from my little ones was to interview them and include the questions and answers in the album. Pictures of each child along with a bit of artwork and hand prints were included. I mounted everything into a small scrap book and presented it to my husband.
With Father's Day 2008, I had to begin a fourth small album, having filled three others with the previous 13 Father's Days. The kids have grown and so has the value of this gift. We love looking back at the albums and being able to see how the kids have changed -- one more reminder of how fast it truly goes. I no longer include their hand prints, that was left by the wayside several years back, but the photos and interviews and some form of artwork have remained.
The interviews particularly are a hoot. I always interview the kids separately so they cannot be influenced by what the others say. They could be real wild cards in their younger years! I may pick some of my favorite interview moments over the last 14 years to include in a few posts to come -- inspiration for posts no longer comes easily so that sounds rather appealing -- but for now I'll just choose a bit from Catie's 1996 interview when she was 3 1/2. Imagine a very high, squeaky voice.
Q: Why do you love Daddy?
A: Because he loves me.
Q: What makes daddy a good daddy?
A: Jesus and God.
Q: What is your favorite thing to do with daddy?
A: Make a picture.
Q: What would you do with daddy if you could do anything?
A: Paint a picture and color a picture. That's all I want to do.
Q: What is something daddy is good at?
A: Mowing the lawn & cleaning the car and I don't know anything else.
What father wouldn't want to remember that for the rest of his life?
Wow, a new mad gab and a good idea to boot. Does it get any better than that?


At 7:44 AM, Blogger Becca Sports said...

Father's Day!!! I love that card idea. I think that I may have to use that in the future. What a fun way to remember their father and also have memories from when they were little! Thanks for the new post.

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

I have always LOVED this idea, ever since I first saw it at your place. I definitely want to do it with Taeya. I was going to do one for this year with answers Taeya would say if she could talk...it didn't happen. Maybe I'll do one late. I was thinking about this before Father's Day. You should seriously design a book and publish it with questions for each age and a page for pictures etc. I bet you anything it'd sell! I'd love to read more interviews from the past.

At 11:29 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

This is a GREAT idea :):):) I am all about this!!!!!!

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Sarah Kuhner said...

You'll have to show me when i come over next time. I would love to see the whole thing and get some ideas. The interview is really cute too. I am writing down all the funny things Bekah is doing each day since you forget so quickly what they said and did. Great idea.

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

So...Sarah tells me that you're contemplating going camping and roughing it with us! :) Oh, that would be so much fun. You guys REALLY SHOULD COME! If Sarah can do it at 6 months pregnant and Bekah and Taeya can...you guys can tent camp. *grin* (Have I guilted you into coming yet?)


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