Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Only Six?

I was kind of tagged by my niece, Megan, to post six of my quirks. My response? It is going to be hard to limit it to only six. I am officially tagging my sister Jody, because she has as many quirks as I do! And if Lynn Whitely ever gets a blog -- I would sure love to read her top six! Actually Lynn, you can leave them in the comments!

So what do you think of the photo? I got this one when I entered "Quirky Person" into Google images. Ah, the incredible power of the internet...whoops, back to the task at hand...
1. I seem to have a compulsive disorder to only clean/put away what someone just seconds before took out for a purpose. For example, my counter will be entirely cluttered...my husband pulls a glass out of the cupboard...he then goes to the refrigerator to retrieve something to drink...in the two seconds that takes, I arrive on the scene and absent mindedly put his glass in the dishwasher leaving intact all the items that should have been put away. This scene is replayed on a daily basis.
2. I tend to ask questions and then not listen for the answers. Then I ask the same question and again I fail to listen for the answer.
3. I play Spider on the easy level because it makes me happy when I win. If I lose, I reset my stats so I can pretend I always win.
4. My husband insists that I will dance around the house, putting off making a trip to the little girls room, only to decide I urgently need to use it just as soon as someone else is occupying it.
5. My husband also insists that when doing something complicated and confusing on the computer, I will click on options without reading them and then wonder what I've done.
6. My husband further points out that I am hopeless about giving and taking directions that involve "left and right". Apparently he finds it confusing when I say, "Turn right" as I point left -- go figure!
As you can tell, my husband was very helpful bringing to mind a few of my quirks. I would write more, but right now I need to chat with him about HIS quirks!


At 10:15 AM, Blogger Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

hahaha so fun to read. I think I tend to follow you to some extent on #2, 3, & 6. Thanks for sharing a few quirks. (Next you can post Uncle Scott's).

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Sarah Kuhner said...

I love the first quirk. I do that all the time to my husband. He really doesnt' like it but I do like things neat and tidy. :o) The picture is so funny too. I like Megan's idea of posting Uncle Scott's quirks. As long as he has approved them of course. That would be fun. Can't wait to see you in two days. Oh, I finished my third pair of socks. I'm getting a lot quicker at doing them and better at protecting them when Bekah jumps on my lap as I am making them. See you soon.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger The two love birds .. said...


We loved your quirks! Ever since Rita and I have been married she does two things consistently. If I take my shoes off anywhere but where she thinks I should leave them they end up in strange places like under a cloth table,outside or any other place that I probably don't look. This allows me to discover many months later that after I find my shoes I consider them "new" The other "Quirk" is that when I go outside she locks the doors(because she is so security conscious)and I end of ringing the door bell to get in!!

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Peter Brown said...

Wow, you people all sound so flawed. I'm lucky I don't have an quirks! :)

#3, is absolutely Awesome! Patricia is a spider nut. losing at spider can seriously ruin the whole night.

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Peter Brown said...

Sigh...I can't spell.

That's not a quirk. It's just 'cause I'm stupid...


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