Sunday, August 27, 2006

Feeling Young

Hey I had an exciting weekend--I tried something I'd never done before and took part in an airsoft war. I wish I could say I was a "high impact player" but it would be a gross lie. Still, it was fun and it made me feel a little younger. I even posed for several pictures like the young little things thinking I'd post some of those shots on my blog. You know the saying, "You're only as old as you feel", well it is balanced by the saying, "Pictures don't lie." The two pictures of my friend & I trying to look like James Bond babes with our guns & camo were just a little too unflattering--though I will tattle on myself for many things, you will not catch me posting as many chins & creases as those pictures contained!

Most of the time I feel like I've made peace with this getting old thing, but sometimes that streak of vanity catches me by surprise!

A couple of summer's ago, I had that vanity slap me pretty good across the face. I was counseling at high school camp and had just finished playing paintball in a counselors vs. campers round. (Once again, I couldn't brag at all about being a high impact player, but at LEAST I could say I'd done it!) It was at this point that our excellent camp speaker, who had also played, asked me, "Jennifer, I've just got to ask you, how old are you?"

Well, I have to say I was feeling pretty young. Like I said, I was hangin' with the high schoolers and after all I'd just played paint ball. I thought he'd be pretty shocked to find out how old I REALLY was. "I'm 39!" I answered, a little smugly, knowing how surprising he'd find that.

"Oh," he answered calmly, as if he'd guessed right, "I though you were my age."

This took a little of the wind out of my sails, actually a lot of it. "Oh," I responded, in a somewhat shrill voice, "how old are YOU?"

"I'm 43."

43!!! Not only did this abusive man think I was as old as I was, he THOUGHT I was older! FOUR years older! He thought I was as old as him. Was he delusional??? You know, I did not enjoy his preaching nearly as much the rest of the week.

That was two years ago. I praise God that because of His goodness and grace in my life, in addition to the extra chins and creases, I am maturing a little along the way. Why now I am even able to laugh at abusive, insensitive people, who think I'm as old as they are!!!

Yup, being young is pretty cool, but growing up is a good thing too.


At 6:18 AM, Blogger Call Me June... said...

Don't worry too much! Brittany was talking about an "old lady" at work that she didn't care for, and when I asked her just how old this "old lady" was she answered, "30's or 40's!" It's all relative dear!

Love, Your Younger Sister!

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

I am impressed that you play air soft and paint ball - what fun!!!!!!!!! Where did you all play?

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Ando said...

pppbbbt, that's just like a man.

Kudos for participating the the shootouts.

At 10:35 AM, Blogger J Crew said...

Airsoft. I like it soldier.


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