Sunday, December 31, 2006


Years ago, when Johnny was about four, we attended a family game night with our fellowship group. At one of the tables, we had a game of UNO going. Johnny had never played UNO before, but we added him in and taught him how to play. To keep things simple, he played with all his cards spread out, face up, on the table in front of him. Everyone else playing was an adult. If you've played UNO before, you know that keeping your cards hidden is to your advantage. We all chuckled when he won the first game. Pretty funny, beating all those adults with all his cards face up on the table. We played a second game and he won again. The laughs were less hearty and eyes began to narrow. But when he beat us all a third time, we just had to shake our heads and change games!

This past Thursday, Chris & Sarah invited our family over and introduced us to "The Settlers of Catan". Chris patiently explained the MANY rules to us while Sarah handled Bekah & the bank. I have to admit, I was pretty clueless. I wanted to protest when they all made fun of me, but I couldn't because I deserved it. Chris tried to guide me occasionally, but my version of strategy just did not align with what he knew was strategy. It seemed like he had to explain rules more times to me than anyone else. Part way through the game everyone noticed the lovely "Duck" I'd built with my spare cities, settlements, boats and roads. When I ended up winning the game, I imagine Chris might have felt a little like we adults did the night Johnny cleaned our clock at UNO.

I look forward to playing again. I may never again have the pleasure of winning, but I enjoyed making that duck!


At 7:12 AM, Blogger Pops said...

Glad you all had a good time! Yes, while it can be exausting getting all the rules down once you have it, well it's a lot like ridding a bike...

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Becca Sports said...

I have heard a lot about this game from people...I think we will have to try it out. I saw on Ebay that they have settlers of Canan (a bible version of the game). Game nights are lots of fun. We had a few with your sister and her family! :)

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

It is a HUGE hit with our fellowship group - thanks to Jeremy's brother Brian. We all love it!

Windy City - I highly recommend the game and it is actually the cheapest when you buy the whole thing on ebay - we have checked it out and that is where we got ours.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger J Crew said...

Good game. Strategy is key and of course random chance in rolling the dice.

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Peter Brown said...

I usually enjoy a good Catan game. Of course it's even better if you win.

I'm surprised this is not any commentary on the robber. I seem to spend half the game plotting his demise.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Sarah Kuhner said...

Jen, I am trying to post a blog on our game night adventures but blogger is being stinky. Hope to soon have them up.

Becca, go buy the game for sure but I don't recommend getting the Bible Catan. It is produced by the mormons.


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