Thursday, February 22, 2007

Voice Your Opinion Now

In bygone days, when I did not have a blog, I thought I had many things to write about. As someone who cherished in her heart of hearts the desire to one day be published, the thought of expressing myself in writing was always a delight.

Seven months into blogging has given me enough insight to not only become Time's Person of the Year, but also to make me realize that people who write well and write often are not just to be envied, they are to be highly respected! Forget the writing well, even thinking of things to write about on a regular basis has become a challenge for this blogger.

All that to say, I have become very grateful when an idea pops into my head, especially for an easy post! So thank you Kludge for today's comment on my previous post, "Some Very Good Reasons". His comment ended with this observation and then a question:

Cool, Catan! That game has spread like wildfire since Brian and Esther first showed it to Patricia and I. So favorite expansion? I think I'm for Seafarers...

As soon as I read this the lightbulb turned on... ask fellow bloggers to name their favorite Catan expansion. But Before I ask you to express your opinion in your comments, I will go on record as saying "Cities & Knights" is my favorite. I love the city improvements and being able to say, "I'm going to flip". I also like the extra cards you can earn with just a roll of the dice.

And now, drumroll please, for all you Catan players out there, "What is your favorite Catan expansion?" (It shouldn't be a highly difficult question since as far as I can tell from the Mayfair Games catalogue, there are only two choices.) Voice your opinion now!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Some Very Good Reasons

I need to fess up that I feel a little guilty. It seems slightly unfair that the time I take my longest leave of absence from blogging, I left a post on top in which I admitted I was tempted to say, "Chris is a goob." Poor Chris. On the other hand, I guess it would have been worse if I'd actually said, "Chris is a goob" instead of just saying I was tempted to say it... okay, I feel better!!

This has been a rather long absence for me. SJ even threatened to rename my link if I didn't post soon. But this time I had a really good reason for neglecting the blogosphere, actually two of them, well, maybe I can even think of three…

First, I had a sick child for several days – what kind of mother would I be if I put blogging ahead of caring for my baby?

Second, we went skiing. (After my baby was well -- barely) All three kids tried out snowboarding for the first time – and we all had a great time. You can check out pictures from the day at:

Third, we’ve been busy playing Catan. We now own Settlers, Seafarers, and Knights with corresponding expansion packs. It is so cool! We’ve played four times since it arrived Saturday.

The best part of playing Catan is it that it has given us a great excuse to see a lot more of Chris & Sarah & Bekah. (Even though I’ve been tempted to say Chris is a goob, I really do like him, so seeing more of them is a good thing.)

I think you must I agree, I've had some very good reasons for not blogging. Bottom line -- I've posted again and now maybe SJ won't have to rename my link!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Deep Thoughts

Hmmm, it's been a week since I last posted, better get something up quick.

I guess I could tell you all how busy I've been, but who isn't busy? Yada, yada, yada...

I could pull the age card -- after all, I'm rather old. But that would be a little whiney.

I think I'll just post a picture I promised Sarah and make a comment about her dear husband. I was complaining the other night about his lack of comments on my posts and he said something like, "I read them. I only comment though if there's something that strikes me as worth commenting about." Good thing he has nothing to lose by putting me in my place. Apparently my being awarded the Time person of the year did nothing to put him in awe of me!

Well, being the mature (that's supposed to come with age, you know) Aunt that I am, I immediately threatened to put up a post he'd have to comment on. Something deep and thought provoking, something that would evoke great emotion and stir up thoughtful diaglogue. Something like, "Chris is a goob."

I threatened of course, but I wouldn't really do it. If Chris chooses not to comment on my posts because they aren't worth commenting on, well that's just fine with me. Just FINE indeed!

P.S. If you're wondering why Bekah has a beard in this picture, you'll have to read Sarah's post about it. The link is to your right...

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