Hoe Pew Heaven Ice Hummer
I need to congratulate the four correct guesses for the last mad gab...I smell a skunk was indeed the correct answer. Good job. To give credit where credit is due, I should mention that Michelle correctly guessed it about 5 seconds after I first posted but I would not let her comment until after someone else already had. I'm so mean.
The new mad gab, courtesy of Curves of course, is another easy one -- don't you love it! Michelle actually solved this one as we were walking in the the door. Have fun with another feel good puzzle.
The pictures of my girls are included because they're gone for the weekend visiting their lifelong buddies, Emily and Kelly, in Hollister. I was going to do a post on pet sitting in their absence, but I'm not feeling the creative juices flowing. So I'm going to be lazy and post part of Catie's email from this morning in which she colorfully describes life on the "farm":
[The] Chickens are molting, so there are lots of bare butts in the chicken coop. the sight of bare chicken skin makes me want to lose my lunch! uggghhhh, it looks much better cooked.
Can't think of anything to add to that...