"Squiggy, Come!"
Musings on the oddities of life, the humor in the mundane, and God's incredible grace to the fragile humans who call Him Father.
I have no idea why my previous post has no place for comments!! I've looked through my dashboard with all the completeness that a limited attention span combined with a woeful lack of tech savvy (what's the matter with interweb?) can muster. Oh well...if you were so very moooooved by my tea party saga that you feel compelled to comment, you are certainly free to do so in this space.
The bottow row is of my mom on her bicylcle at a young age. Catie is on her bicycle at the age of four. I know the bike helmet and lack of contrast make it hard to compare features, but Catie was blessed with coloring that does not scan well. My appraisal is that Catie shares Grandma's coloring but inherited Grandpa's even rounder head.
So there you go Megan. I have to admit there are some striking similarities. Maybe you'll have a little boy that will look just like you! That zoo shot is awfully cute.
Today is a day we have set aside to honor those very special people in our life we call "Mother". I am blessed to call a wonderful and delightful lady my mother. I recently went to a ladies retreat with her and cannot count the many people that mentioned to me, "Your mom is so cute", or "Your mom is so fun to be with", or "I just love your mom". I have to agree -- she's cute, fun to be with, and I just love her. One of the "mixers" at our ladies retreat involved answering several questions for the other ladies at your table. The question which drew the best response was something like, "When were you most embarrassed by something one of your children did?" It's amazing how much material we give our moms to answer a question like that And yet, they love us anyway. Although I honestly believe my sister gave my mom more material for that
The final picture is one of our complete family of five. My brother did not come along until I was 10 -- it is a tribute to my lack of vanity that I am willing to post this picture when he is the only cute one in it. This phase for my mom was the "Big black glasses phase". I remember my Uncle used this picture to put on the cover of a brochure for a family retreat his church was doing -- he chose it because it looked like a family who really enjoyed one another. That's true, we did. I guess enjoying one another was more important than looking good!