Thursday, September 14, 2006

More Teacher Ideas

In a previous post, entitled "Back to School Ideas", I made the observation that teachers have lots of mugs so maybe mugs aren't the best gift for a teacher. I suggested a replacement idea of Starbuck's gift cards, but now I think maybe I've found a better idea! After all, what would a person with a plethora of mugs like better than something to sit all those mugs upon? Practical as well as thoughtful! Not to mention with just the right homemade touch. Here's the answer...a mug rug.

In addition to 400+ baby quilts for the pregnancy counseling center, Grandma Della made more crafts than you could shake a stick at. As we've been sorting through her things and trying to find the right home for each, I have discovered more and more little handmade goodies. However, this particular creation spoke to me.

Supplies are basic: plastic canvas, brown yarn, white yarn, and a yarn needle. If you can spell "mug" and "rug" you can probably work out the simple needlepoint pattern. The design for the mug may be a little tricky, but I believe the above photo can be used to work out the number of stitches in each row.

This is just what teachers need. Be warned though, mug rugs are more time-consuming than buying a Starbucks card, so start early and set aside several hours to stitch all the rugs you need for each of the special teachers in your child's life. I'm sure they will be very pleased.

Then again, maybe not. Stick with the Starbuck's card. Especially if I ever happen to be your child's teacher.


At 6:02 AM, Blogger Call Me June... said...

You'd better hope this doesn't actually inspire anyone! You might have some disgruntled teacher's on your hands! It actually looks a bit like an Aunt Eva creation! You know... I've always felt that nothing says "Thank you" like plastic canvas!

At 7:04 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

I am with June - wow - it would definitely go with all the mugs teachers get, but I think your original idea of Starbucks cards is the best. Nothing really against the "mug rug" - but hmmmmmm - I like your original idea :):):):) And if I get a million "mug rugs" this year, I am giving them to you :)

At 8:47 AM, Blogger jenylu said...

Phewww!! I am so glad to hear you like plastic canvas...we're almost finished with your birthday present and now I know you'll love it! :)

At 8:49 AM, Blogger jenylu said...

You must think an awful lot of me if you'd part with something as precious as a million mug rugs, yup, an "awful" lot! :)

At 9:57 AM, Blogger J Crew said...

Mug rugs are in. That would be a great gift for a white elephant gift exchange

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Peter Brown said...

Hum, these might catch on, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Probably will prove to be as popular as my C4's.

You could expand to mouse pads and maybe running pads or I know: Hair Rugs for Men!

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

I have to say that we have a few mug rugs at my house and they tend to stay in a drawer and not get used. Sorry :o\

At 8:13 AM, Blogger jenylu said...

Thanks to all who commented - I'll make you a mug rug. :)

At 9:45 AM, Blogger jbau said...

Better yet, I will make that an art project in my class and give them to all the parents before they can give them to me! But, Jen, it was pretty clever.


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