Monday, October 23, 2006

The End of the Contest - Thankfully

Well wasn't this fun??? I could tell from the comments that people LOVED voting for cute babies. I thought about extending the fun by posting Scott and my photos for round 3, but mercifully decided we'd probably had enough. (Just teasin', since as my sister pointed out it's a tricky thing to convey sarcasm without voice tone, I wasn't really thinking of posting more baby pictures, just of threatening to!)

I know you're dying to know which baby won. Actually, it was a tie. Baby #4 & baby #9 each garnered three votes. Even though one of baby #9's was indeed baby #9 herself, it is still legitimate (don't you think all the politicians vote for themselves? And what could be more legitimate than that?). So congratulations to Baby #4 & Baby #9! Since baby #11 won the previous contest, now each of my babies can claim a victory of sorts as the cutest baby -- see I was right all along, they were all the cutest!

On a different note, I attended a family reunion in Lake Tahoe this past weekend. My dad & mom were in charge and did a great job. We Clarks are quite a colorful bunch! It was very fun and my appreciation for the parents God graciously gave me continued to grow throughout the weekend. I would tell you about the ping-pong tournament but I couldn't mention who won without sounding boastful, so I won't even bring it up.

Hopefully when baby #4, #9, and #11 grow up, they will continue to value the family God placed them into enough to enjoy and look forward to family reunions. And hopefully by then they will no longer be arguing over who was the cutest!


At 6:22 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Congratulations to all your children - they are all adorable :) Sounds like a great time - I loved our family reunions - miss not being able to go to them now, but I am so thankful for my family. Great pic!

Oh - and thanks for not posting more baby pics - they were cute but the stress of which to vote for was too much! So then not voting was a bummer too - - - - - -

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Call Me June... said...

Okay, I must admit to feeling a little let down. I've been to a Clark reunion and believe me, I know there are at least enough funny stories for a week of blogs! I know you are trying to be kind and not embarrass anyone, but I believe that laughing at oneself (and others!) is healthy! So stop pulling punches and give us the good stuff! (-:

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Becca Sports said...

Call me june has sparked my interest. Give us some great stories-come on! :) I'm sure your dad and mom had some good stories-we always enjoy their Christmas letter and they were great when they were our sponsors in college group (especially your dad). :)

At 12:10 PM, Blogger J Crew said...

Reunions are full of fun and anxiety. I just love it when that great aunt pinches your cheeks when you're 23.


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