Ando's guess for Dawn Kim Add, Kitty Fin was just too funny not work in somewhere, so I got it out of the way in the title.
I have a new mad gab for you, courtesy of the
Curves bulletin board today: Aid He He A A Gent
It took me about half way around the exercise circle to figure this one out. When I turned in my answer for a chance at the monthly drawing, I found out I was the only correct guess so far. But don't worry, I won't let it go to my head.
The main thrust of my post today has nothing to do with mad gabs -- I just included that so I can have a good change of getting a comment out of pops -- and it especially has nothing to do with Kevin. It's all about onions & conspiracy theories (and you thought Kludge was out there with the sticky buns!)
I was in Safeway today picking up a few groceries and decided to get a couple of onions. I wasn't happy with the per/pound price, so turned to the display of bagged onions hoping for a break. Sure enough one sign advertised 5 lbs of yellow onions for $2.99 so I grabbed a bag, thinking at the time that 5 lbs sure didn't look like 5 lbs. I then checked the tag attached to the bag and found that it was only 3 lbs. I returned it to the bin and searched in vain for a 5 lb bag. That was when I noticed a larger sign advertising the 3 lb bag of white onions 10/$10, or $1 a piece. It also showed this was a good savings as the regular price was $2.99. I love a good deal so grabbed the bag of white onions, though I honestly prefer yellow. (The reason I am including such detail is it is very important for you to understand that I studied these sale signs rather carefully.)
Upon leaving the store after checking out, I was reading over my receipt and was disappointed to find that I had been charged $2.99 for the onions, rather than the advertised $1.00. (And yes, I did remember to use my Safeway club card.) This presented a dilemma because I hated to head back in the store for a mere $2 difference, and yet, I had been trying to be so careful with the $$$ I felt like I just couldn't enjoy those white onions unless I got the sale price.
So I politely waited for the cashier to finish with her customer and pointed out the discrepancy. She paged produce and I waited. Finally produce called back and confirmed that the onions were not on sale but were correctly charged $2.99. I politely protested saying the sign clearly stated they were $1, all the time feeling really cheap and petty. She told produce about the sign and then told me the produce guy was checking on the sign. I waited for a while longer until the produce guy finally called back saying there was no sign. Suddenly, this became bigger than onions.
Still polite, I told the cashier, "I saw the sign. I need to go back and check for myself." I wheeled my cart around and quickly headed to produce, a woman on a mission. Other shoppers seemed to read my urgency and hastily made way for my cart. When I got to the onion bin, there was NO sign. I stared for a minute at the empty space where that sign had been, the sign I had studied in making a rather lengthy onion decision. It was just a big empty space now. I couldn't believe it.
My mind was reeling as I returned to the cashier and told her, "He was right. There was no sign.
But there was one earlier. I no longer want the onions."
She gave me my $3 back (I gained a penny in the deal!). My mind was still racing -- I know I'm forgetful, but I know without a doubt that sign had been there minutes earlier. I told my cashier, "I'm really not neurotic." She answered, rather condescendingly, "Oh I know. Sometimes I see things that aren't there also."
Excuse me??? I wanted to protest and say, "But it was there! This is a conspiracy! I have no idea why you would be interested in cheating me out of the $2, but someone removed that sign!!" But I didn't. I just smiled and left.
The primaries are coming up soon. Before I cast my vote for a candidate, I want to know what they plan on doing about stores that change signs to gauge onion buying customers, that's what I want to know! I'm not neurotic -- no sir!