Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Very Good Book

Today I'm not going to share any original thoughts (I can feel the disappointment from you who've grown accustomed to my profound reflections -- especially keen in recent posts) but rather pass on a recommendation for a really good resource. Extreme Devotion is a book put out by Voice of the Martyrs and is written by the same writers that wrote the excellent Jesus Freaks books. Extreme Devotion is a collection of 365 stories of people who stood up for Christ, many at the cost of their own lives. I have found myself very challenged and shamed by the stories of men, women, and children who have been willing to suffer greatly because of their love for Jesus. The story below and commentary that follows are one of the many daily reading that have forced me to think hard about my own life as I compare it to ones who are experiencing real persecution for their faith.

Nadejda Sloboda could hardly contain her enthusiasm. She had just learned about Christ from a shortwave radio program broadcast from Europe. As the first Christian in her Russian village, she desperately wanted to tell all her friends about the God who had miraculously changed her heart. But she knew the local authorities strictly prohibited any talk of God or Christianity. However, Nadejda was unable to contain her zeal, and soon a church was born. When the police were unable to squelch the church’s growth even with road blockades, they arrested Nadejda. But she felt nearer to God than ever before and persisted in sharing Christ even with her fellow prisoners. Because of her refusal to stop talking about Christ, officials put her in a solitary, unheated cell for two months. It was in the middle of winter and Nadejda was not allowed any bedding whatsoever. She was forced to sleep on the cold concrete floor. After she was returned to the common cell, her fellow prisoners asked her how she was able to stand the treatment. She replied, “I fell asleep on the cold concrete floor trusting in God, and it became warm around me. I rested in the arms of God.”

Most Christians can recall a time in their spiritual journey when it seemed like they could never get enough of God and His Word. Spiritual zeal was second nature. Fervor was a constant friend. Yet, somehow our faith grew cold along the way. Perhaps it was persecution that squelched our enthusiasm. Perhaps it was personal tragedy. Or perhaps it was nothing in particular—just ordinary activities that dampened our spirits and reclaimed our priorities. Are the flames of spiritual fervor now merely smoldering ashes? Has your zeal grown dormant? It is possible to ignite a new relationship with God and fuel the fire within. Ask Him to help you warm up to the idea today. (Extreme Devotion, p. 51)


At 6:09 AM, Blogger Becca Sports said...

Very thought provoking-how come is it that people around the world have an "easier" time depending on God for everything? Do we just have to much these days? We talk like we depend on Him, but I sure haven't depended on Him as that Nadejda did. Very good thought provoker for my day!

ps. what has happened to your sister?

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Peter Brown said...

I remember a sermon from many years ago that Pastor Garland preached (ten years or so...) about needing a Catfish in your tank. Basically a catalyst to keep you moving forward in your faith.

Without support from fellow Christians, prayer, devotion or some adversity we tend to slow and die. Spiritual speaking.

I don't believe I will ever be physically persecuted for my faith, I'm glad for that, but it also allows me to be more cavalier about what God does for me.

I don't have a solution, just the observation...

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

I am becoming more convinced everyday that you and Jody are definitely sisters - ha ha!!!!!! I miss your posts and want you to know I have been posting . . .

At 3:00 PM, Blogger J Crew said...

This is something important for us to think about. It seems that God has been reminded that those who desire to live Godly lives in Christ will suffer persecution, it might not be the kind that this lady faced, but we will suffer some form of it.


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